Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Lonely Troll Named Michael T.

Once upon a time, there lived a lonely troll who hated everyone. He lived among the worms and maggots that hid beneath the rotted flesh of the useless dead. His name, given to him, by a kind old woman who knew no better, was Michael T. No one was sure what the T stood for, but everyone did agree that it did not stand for 'terrific.'

Michael lived his life mainly to annoy and cause grief among those who were closest to him. In his circle, he could count 2 very close friends, and both of those people were imaginary. He was a lost soul. A solitary lump of nothing, with absolutely nothing to smile about. Until one day.

She came to him, purely by accident. This frail small elf-like creature wandered into the woods, and saw Michael urinating. She had never seen such a creature as this! And to see him relieving himself, only made her more curious!

"My goodness!" She exclaimed. "Did you not see me approaching? Could you not hear my footsteps on the freshly fallen leaves?" Michael, slowly looking up...quickly went back to what he was doing....his urine, finally down to dribbles, stopped. He placed his small piece of flesh back into his tattered trousers and began yelling.

"You foul creature! Why have you wandered into where no man nor woman has wandered before? And why must you come during a time of urination! A most private time for a troll. A most intimate act!" As he said this, his hands were in the air, his head shaking to and fro, and spit flew in all directions. He was angry. But trolls are known to be angry. But...all at once...he became still.

He began to notice her. She was frail. Beautiful. And her hair reminded him of his childhood. Of golden fields of tall grass...grass he would run for hours through....and then, he felt a tear. He quickly wiped it away.

She spoke to him. "Why would a creature with such anger, cry?" He could not answer. He just looked. He looked at her, as if she were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. And, deep in his heart...he knew that she was. She was the most beautiful thing.

Then, without warning, his glance fell to the ground. He could not look into her face, any longer. She was overwhelming. And under his breath, which smelled of rotten lettuce and rat innards, he ask: "What is your name, stranger?"

She answered, in a whisper: "Danillaphilia"

to be continued.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Does America Hate The Post Office?

Add ImageAmerica has a love/hate relationship with the Postal Service. It has been going on for years, as if it were an old married couple. Still, we put up with each other...just like an old married couple, who has decided that they are stuck with each other...not matter what.

The image of the Postal employee, those of us who are Letter Carriers, is one of laziness. After all, we just walk around all day putting letters in the mailbox and then move on to the next. This has got to be one of the easiest jobs around! You are so wrong! Yes, there are more physical jobs out there, but this job aint as easy as it looks.
If you were one of the lucky ones to take the postal exam, you would realize that memorization is one of the top things you will be tested on. If your memory is not up to par, well...adios! My route has close to 400 deliveries. That is 400 last names to remember, and then another 400 other names. There are usually more than one last name at any given you have to keep that in mind as well.
Unlike UPS (United Parcel Service,) we hit every house, every day! And we must do it within the alloted time frame. If we deviate and go over the time alloted....well, we do hear about it.
One of the major complaints of the postal service is mis-deliveries. Do I mis-deliver? Of course I do. I am only human. What I don't understand is why customers get so heated over a mis-delivered piece of mail. I have been confronted by people, yelling, telling me that it happens almost everyday, and that they want to speak with the postmaster. I cannot yell back. I have to hold my tongue, hand them over a number and ask them to call if they want to complain. End of story.
If a mis-delivered piece of mail is the only worry or problem of your day...then my advice to you would be to get down on your knees and thank the good Lord that a letter delivered to your house by mistake was your only problem!
And I can't even count the amount of times, I have been asked why the price of a stamp keeps going up. Geez, people! Get a life! It currently costs 42 cents to mail a letter. A one ounce letter from California to New York- for 42 cents! If that isn't the greatest bargain in America, then I don't know what is! And when gas was reaching an all time high...nearing 5 bucks a few months back...Americans shelled it out....
But if the price of a stamp goes up a penny....hold on...ARMAGEDDON!
I am proud to work for the United States Postal Service. This job has kept a roof over my head, food in my belly, kept me in a new vehicle and the luxury of buying my toys, such as my new laptop. And I have been employed for over 20 years. And it breaks my heart, whenever I deliver unemployment insurance checks...which, by the way....are on the rise.
So, the next time you see your mailman/mail lady...shake their hand and thank them for delivering the mail.
Below is a video I made a few months back. I hope you enjoy it.

The Optical Illusion: Part One

I just want you to look at this object. Even thought it is not animated, if you look a little to the right or to the left or towards the top, or towards the bottom, it appears to be moving. Now, look straight at the center. Everything stops! Pretty cool, If I do say so myself. Your mind is a clever tool. And it loves to play tricks on you!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Post, Different Day

Right now, as I write this, I can hear the sound of rain. It has always been one of my favorite sounds. I cracked the window a bit to get a better listen. It is quite cold, so excuse me while I get up and close it.
I am grateful for the rain. San Jose is in dire need of as much rain as it can get. So, lets hope it continues through-out the night. My job, as a Letter Carrier, requires that I work through all types of weather, rain included. So, if you reach into your mailbox and your mail is a bit damp...sorry. It cannot be helped.
Luckily, I have Monday off, this week. So, I will be able to sleep in a little later and enjoy my day. Indoors, of course. Still have some decorating to finish up around the house...If you want, come on by and help out. I sure could use it!
I made a discovery today. A show on tv called 'House.' Very well done. I was hooked immediately. I guess it was my lucky day, 'cause they were running a marathon. One thing I quickly learned: Don't eat while you watch this show! I have heard of the program, but have never watched. I decided to give it a try and got the 'bug.'
Since I have your attention, I just wanted to tell you about the links at the bottom of this page. The links will take you to my Youtube channels. The video below is a sample of what I have done with some of my writings....a little 'visual poetry.' I have finally gotten around to share them. I hope you enjoy


Friday, December 12, 2008

Why M. Night Sucks!

Am I the only one in the world who thinks that M. Night Shamalamadingdong sucks? I didn't fall for his film, "The 6th Sense." Apparently the world was wowed by his stylish film technique, and even Time magazine, or Newsweek....I don't remember which, called him the 'next Spielberg.' Steven must have busted a gut, laughing his ass off when he read that! He must have, 'cause I was doing the same!

I mean, they are comparing this guy, to the very same guy who directed "Schindler's List." Give me an f#@king break! Sure, Steven gave us a few duds, such as "Hook, " "Always, " and "1941," but at least he made some great stuff inbetween.

This M. Night guy has created crap from the get go! I saw "The 6th Sense," and I saw more than dead people. I saw how Mr. Shamalamdingdong treated the audience as if they were complete morons. He didn't expect people to ask questions, like:

"Hey, if Bruce Willis's character didn't realize he was dead, then how was he able to explain, getting on the bus, without having to pay?" Or...."Hey, if Bruce didn't realize he was dead, how was he able to explain why no one would talk to him at the little girls funeral gathering." Or..."If the dead girl was able to push that box with the video tape in it...why wasn't she able to put it in the VCR and press the play button. I mean, the remote control was right there!"

Gee, we must really be stupid. Not to ask questions like that. But, our minds were so wrapped up in the terrific storytelling of Mr. Shamalamadingdong, that we just didn't care...Well, I did care...and even a blind man would have guessed that idiotic ending. What a twist! What a load of crap!

Of course, Hollywood fell in love with this 'wonderkid.' They gave him more money and he made even more films! Yes, he did. He made the unbearable, "Unbreakable." With Bruce Willis. I thought he died in the first movie?

He showed us that people would rather raise their children in a make believe world with evil monsters lurking beyond the boundaries of the woods, than in the real "The Village."

He tried to scare us into thinking that nature will attack! It will wage a war on human beings! As in, "The Happening." I laughed so much during that movie! What a crock of mailto:sh@! When Mark Wahlberg started to talk to that plastic plant! Classic stupidity! And what about when that zoo keeper taunted the lion and got his arms ripped off! More classic stupidity. Was this movie suppose to scare us, or make us laugh? Mr. Shamalamadingdong....decide whether you want to make a thriller or a comedy. Please.

M. Night thinks he is smarter that the rest of us, and he may be right, to a degree. He has outsmarted Hollywood out of millions of dollars and he has picked the pockets of avid movie-goers from around the world. Some people actually think his films are good. If you are one of those people, you have my sympathies.

I am not one of those people. I don't like to be treated as if I left my brain at the front doors of the movie house. Yes, there are movies that require you do this....and I love those types of films. But Mr. Shamalamadingdong actually thinks his movies are worth watching.

I would rather watch paint dry, while having my fingernails chewed off by rabid weiner dogs.


M. Night Shamalamadingdong

Seeing Things I Have Never Seen Before

This photo was taken while delivering mail on my route, one day..earlier this year. I passed this bench everyday, and never paid any attention, but for some reason...I looked...I really looked.

I saw something I had not seen before. So, I felt I had to capture it. I had my Sprint Phone with me, and clicked on the camera icon. I didn't think the quality of the photo would be good...After all, it was only a 1mp camera!

But when I got home, later that evening and printed the picture out...It was amazing! That little phone worked beautifully!

I took two angles of the bench, but this is the better photo. I have since taken other pics with the same camera and have posted them on my Youtube page, entitled:


Maybe one day, when you are not to busy, or feeling like throwing me a bone...come and visit and let me know what you think!


What I Do For A Living

My life is a simple one. I deliver mail for a living. I have been doing it for over 21 years, I started this job at a relatively young age, and will not even be able to retire, once I reach 30 years! So, I will continue to do my job, until...I can leave it with full benefits. The way things are going these days, with the economy....I don't even know, if I will have a job waiting there, after my 29th year. But there is always hope.
Today, I went into a second hand store to purchase a few Christmas items...and while at the checkout counter, I noticed an slr camera behind a glass door. A Canon A-E1, to be exact. This was the very camera that I used while I was attending college, way back then...I use to be the photo editor of the paper...and used the very same camera. Of course, I have since lost the camera...don't remember exactly what happened to it.
So, I asked to look at the camera. It was priced at $65.00! Amazing! I had to take it...I wasn't even sure if it still worked, but it looked to be in excellent I took my chance...and along with the camera...came another lens! A bag! A strap! A lens cover! And a lot of other stuff! I could not believe my luck! But would the camera work?
I went next door, to a Longs department store, and bought a battery, and a roll of film I wanted black & white film, but they did not have any. After my purchase, I went and sat in my truck and loaded the battery...and then the magic happened! It made a familiar sound, a sound that I had not heard in a long time....a sound that let me know, that it just might work! A small, click...that was all...a small tiny audible click. I was halfway there!
I loaded the film was like second nature to me...Everything was coming back, as if it were only yesterday! And then I closed the film compartment...and I prayed.
I looked through the viewfinder, and set it in focus and I clicked.....The camera worked! Anyone who has ever taken a photo with an slr camera...knows the joy of hearing that simple is a joy that only a true photographer can appreciate...
So, I know it can take pictures...but I will have to see how well, once I get the film developed! I will tell you about that later.
Thanks for your time.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

An Introduction To SanJoseMailman

This is new to me. This world of blogging. So, I will walk into this room, with a bit of anticipation. Most people, who have done it, as if it were second nature to them. I am not one of those people. My intent here, is to showcase some of my loves. Writing, photography and video making. I have several channels on Youtube, but I want to try a get a wider audience. I have a lot to say and so much to share with everyone. I just can't keep it inside any longer.
It has been festering and just bustin' to get out! So, here I am...letting you know where you can find my work..and as soon as I figure out what I am doing here, then maybe you will take the time to find me. If you have read this far, then...I guess that may be a good sign.
If you are laughing at this point, well that may be good as well. But if you are thinking to yourself, "this guy is a real bozo!" Well, you hit the nail right on the head...because, sometimes I feel like a real bozo! Especially around new things, such as this! So, excuse my spelling errors, as I am typing this with one foot in my mouth!
Now, that I have gotten all of that out of the way...let me tell you what I want from you. I want your opinion on what I have created...on what I have written..on the photos I have taken. I want your opinion on my videos that I have posted....If you feel that your opinion must be harsh, simply because you want to be harsh for the sole purpose of being mean, then please do not waste your time. Those types of opinions are not valued around here. What I am looking for is honesty.
I believe, that I have some talent, to a degree. I also believe, that I have been sitting on this talent for so long...and maybe I could have done something with it, other than just living my life as a Letter Carrier. I know I got something going on upstairs...'cause my mind is always working. I have so many ideas and thoughts...and have finally gotten up enough nerve to show the world.
Whether the world accepts me or not...well, that is not really important....Well...maybe I am lying! It does matter! I WANT TO BE LOVED! lol! Doesn't everybody? I just want to be seen and heard and talked about...."Yeah, did you see that great vid that Sanjosemailman posted?" "Hey, did you read that cool poem that Sanjosemailman wrote?" "Hey, that Sanjosemailman is a damn fool!" You know, whatever you have on your mind! I can take it.
My Youtube channels are as follows, and as soon as i figure out how to link stuff...I will do that, as well.
Those are the names of my channels...check 'em out, while you are munching on a taco or drinking a bud.
Tell me what you think.
